über die kulturlose zeit

Bei­trag von Alex Nowitz zum Akti­ons­tag am 13. März 2020

[on times wit­hout cul­tu­re]
Spea­king voice: Mar­kus Gert­ken
Text, music and vocal per­for­mance art: Alex Nowitz

Date of publi­ca­ti­on: 9 March 2021

The text “über die kul­tur­lo­se zeit” (23 May 2020) was published on the web­site of the foun­da­ti­on Schloss Wie­pers­dorf, Ger­ma­ny:

Frag­ments taken from the pre­mie­re of the music “The bird that did not return” for sin­ging and whist­ling voice and live elec­tro­nics (stro­pho­ni­on), published on 23 August 2020.
For the who­le recor­ding of the pie­ce go to the sound­cloud page:

The video essay was pre­mie­red on the “Aktionstag—Ein Jahr nach dem ers­ten Lock­down am 13. März 2020: Wir sind noch da!” [Day of action—One year after the first lock­down on March 13, 2020: We are still here!], initia­ted and rea­li­sed by Kul­tur­Macht­Pots­dam [Cul­tu­re-Power-Pots­dam], an alli­ance of artists and cul­tu­ral insti­tu­ti­ons from Potsdam.

Niko­lai­saal Pots­dam
Stif­tung Schloss Wie­pers­dorf
Minis­tery for Sci­ence, Rese­arch and Cul­tu­re of the Sta­te Bran­den­burg, Ger­ma­ny
Bran­den­bur­gi­scher Ver­ein für Neue Musik [Bran­den­bur­gi­an asso­cia­ti­on for new music]

© alex nowitz, 2021

Foto © Oscar Loeser